dhiman latini

Get The Best Results With Our Hard Boiled Candy Machine

hard boiled candy machine

The origins of candy may be traced back to Ancient India. The Persians, followed by the Greeks, discovered the inhabitants of India and their “reeds that yield honey without bees” between the 6th and 4th century BCE. They chose sugar and sugarcane cultivation, which they later spread. The sugarcane plant is native to tropical South and Southeast Asia, and the name sugar comes from the Sanskrit word sharkara.

Hard candy is a sugar confection made from one or more sugar-based syrups that have been cooked to 160 degrees Celsius. Stick candy, such as candy canes, lollipops, and others, are among the various hard candy variations. “Boiled” is a euphemism because sucrose melts completely at 186°C. Before it can evaporate, it must be broken down into glucose and fructose molecules.


Dhiman Industries has been active in the confectionery industry for more than 75 years now; we have our roots deep in the vast confectionery machinery industry. The most classic type of candies are the hard-boiled candies, and of course, we have a complete range of Hard Boiled Candy Machines. The process of making hard-boiled candy is fairly simple when you have expert Hard boiled candy machines from Dhiman Industries (Regd.) If you are new in the industry and have limited knowledge of hard-boiled candy making, we take it to ensure that you get to learn completely about the hard-boiled candy-making process along with supplying you with the perfect equipment for the same.

The name can be deceiving but the same cooked mass from the hard-boiled candy machine cooker can also be used for lollipop making. Even here, DhimanGroup offers you a variety to choose from, if you are a small-scale hard-boiled candy manufacturer you have the ability to choose Vacuum Batch Cooker VC-45 that produces 45kgs worth of candy mass per batch. One batch takes 30 minutes to be prepared, therefore every hour with Dhiman Industries’ Hard Boiled Candy Machine VC-45 cooker, you will get 90-100 kgs worth of candy mass ready to be processed further.


The next option is to proceed with our mammoth Hard Boiled Candy Machine Continuous Vacuum Batch Cooker CVC-800 that produces up to 750-800 kgs of candy per hour! Now, if even these two options are too substantial for you, then you could consider choosing our Lab Cooker that produces up to 5 kgs of candy per batch.

Other equipment that comes under the purview of Hard Boiled Candy Machine is the Rotary Kneading Machine DK-45 this kneading machine is a cardinal piece of equipment for the hard-boiled candy process. This machine helps in the proper mixing and merging of flavors and colors that you would like to make your hard-boiled candy with. In earlier times, this task of mixing the flavors and colors was undertaken by manual labor who would tirelessly with the help of rods knead the scathing hot candy mass manually, which in turn made the process very time consuming, tedious, and even unhygienic pertaining to the hot environment of the kitchen unit.

Dhiman Industries’ recognized the need for a hard-boiled candy machine that could be a faster, efficient, and hygiene alternative that clearly is the Kneading Machine which easily kneads the hard-boiled candy mass to be mixed properly for a balanced hard-boiled candy. Not only flavorings and colors but even de-shaped candies can be reprocessed in this machine saving you from unrequited but edible candy scrap.

Moving further in our Hard Boiled Candy Machine exploration is the Batch Forming and Rope Sizing Machine.

 The purpose of a Batch Forming Machine is not just to form the batch of confectionery, but Dhiman Industries’ recommended model BRS-90 Batch Forming and Rope Sizer Machine helps to form the confectionery mass while also sizing the same for the next part of the confectionery making process.

Your confectionery mass requires this equipment because without it the next machine- which ideally has to be a forming machine cannot function appropriately if the batch has not been formed and sized properly.

 Owing to this you can easily explore our website and inquire about our world-famous machines but we recommend dropping us an email or a message to get in touch with our sales representative for a one-to-one personal experience. This will help us guide you with the best possible solution for YOUR confectionery products.