Stainless Steel Vertical Pulling Machine for lab purpose for aeration/pulling of hard candy & caramel mass.The LAB PULLING MACHINE LPM - 5 is used for pulling and aerating the caramel mass, is used to give it a satin look and mix it with prescription additives. The color of the caramel mass gets lightened in the process of pulling, and the density decreases. Furthermore, when pulled, the additional recipe ingredients put in to the caramel are uniformly distributed over the whole volume of the caramel mass.It penetrates the pulled mass, developing a silky appearance thus becoming smooth and airy. The opportunity to experiment on lab-scale instruments is valuable when designing new confectionery products. Dhiman Industries' Lab Equipment provides the results that can be reliably scaled to the level of production in order to guarantee that results can transform into full-scale production. Miniature version of our full-fledged confectionery equipment to enable you to produce high-quality confectionery in small quantities. DhimanGroup Lab Equipment is especially developed for people who need limited manufacturing runs, either for the development of a recipe or for the production of lower volumes. Our Lab equipment is the perfect equipment for R&D or craftsperson.